Thursday, May 20, 2010

Effective Way to Overcome Negative Emotional Patterns

If you find yourself having dramatic mood shifts but are no bi polar there are ways of charting the moods to help shift the pattern. Some days you may feel cheerful and ready to tackle the world, other days you may just want to crawl under your covers and hide from the world. Sometimes even journal writing and other methods commonly used to lift ones spirits don’t work to shift your mood to a more positive one. By tracking your moods for a month, you may see an emotional pattern to your difficulties.

Use any calendar and mark your moods daily. After a month of charting your moods, look for a pattern. For example if you see that every Wednesday or 3 out of 4 Wednesday of the month you are always in a bad mood, ask yourself what happens or happened on those Wednesdays to throw you off. Maybe it is a particular work assignment you don’t do any other day of the week, staff meeting day, pressure of deadlines. Then look at the days that you are in a good mood. Ask yourself what was different on those days. On the bad mood days, change up your pattern some. Make sure to add something to your day that is enjoyable or something you can look forward to. Maybe it is making the bad day your night out to eat with friends or to catch a movie, or treat yourself to a special lunch. It can be as simple as on your typical bad days you make a point to pamper yourself with a nice relaxing bath, hair and nail day, exercise, work on a project you enjoy, etc.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
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  1. I do have mood swings but they are not so bad that I think I'm bipolar, and neither does my doctor because I asked. I'm going to try your idea and see if I can figure out what's going on. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I keep a journal but I've never thought about checking for patterns. Duh! I'll give it a try.

  3. I've never kept a journal before and you aren't the first person to suggest that it might be helpful. I bought one today and I'm going to write in it at least once a day. It's worth a shot.

  4. I bought a new calendar book to carry in my purse so I can make notes about how I am feeling throughout the day. I'm hoping it will give me some prospective on my mood swings. I know it sure can't make them any worse, I don't think that's possible.
