Thursday, December 24, 2009

Get High on Life

Getting high used to be what your life was all about. It was the driving force you couldn’t ignore. But now, you have kicked that habit to the side of the road. This can be a very exciting time for you. You are changing your world, taking giant steps in the direction you really want to travel to. Your time used to be spent on your addiction. It might have been drugs, or maybe it was alcohol. Regardless, you need to decide how your time will be spent. Now it’s all about getting high on life!
Get back to the basics of life. Take a walk and really check out nature. Smell the flowers, watch the birds, and try to identify the trees. Find a zoo and spend the day. Go horse back riding. Find a quiet and secluded spot to have a picnic with a friend or even by yourself. Go swimming in a lake or pond. Being outside can be very therapeutic. Fresh air and sunshine are natural remedies for the all of the things that ail us.

If you aren’t an outdoors type take a trip to the library and find some good books to read. Most libraries have a good selection of music CD’s and movies too. Find a hobby you can get interested in. Most hobby stores have classes available for their patrons. Knitting and crocheting is not just for little old ladies. Young people and adults, men and women, all have found that the rhythm of working with yarn can be quite peaceful. Don’t laugh until you’ve tried it. Take lessons in toll painting. That doesn’t require as much talent as it does patience. Think about giving ceramics a try. The list of possibilities is endless.

If you have found something different that works for you, let us hear about it. Your idea might be just the thing to keep another addict clean. If someone you know is experiencing problems with drugs or alcohol assure them that there is help available through A Better Tomorrow. All they need to do is make the call, A Better Tomorrow will take care of the rest.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. That's a great idea. There is nothing better than life. I can't believe I came so close to throwing mine away. Thank God I saw the light and was able to find my way back.

  2. I love walking outside, early in the morning before the traffic gets started. The birds are singing and the sun just starting to come up. Makes me feel close to God.

  3. If you have to get high, life should be your first choice. Great article, thank you for sharing it.

  4. Getting high on life sounds like a plan to me. Getting high on drugs is something I never want to do again. I'm thinking that being high on life might even outdo the feelings I had on drugs. I know the aftermath will be much more pleasant.
