Monday, April 19, 2010

What gives you hope?

In a hopes of drawing more people into sharing either their battle with addiction, recovery, co-dependency, or struggles even a family member is dealing with or has dealt with in a loved ones addiction, I am changing the venue of the blogs. I can write about the various drugs and their effects all day long. But it is the heart felt words of those who have dealt with various addictions in various degrees that really bring the true strength of hope. And with that, I ask, what gives you hope?

You know those days, when the road seems rougher then most. The days it takes every last bit of strength you have in you to even crawl out of bed. When the light that was shinning pretty bright is now flickering. What gives you the hope, the strength, and the power you need to pull thorough and stay on the road of recovery?

It is different for all. Some it may be the smile of their child’s eyes for others it may be the good book, and others may only need to reflect on the yesterdays and achieve all the strength and hope they need to face the day in a positive light. What is it that gives you that extra boost to make you face life head on and continue to take those steps forward?

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. I draw hope from every new day. It's always filled with possibilties and I try my hardest to find them. If today doesn't work out like I hope, I know there is always tomorrow.

  2. I wouldn't know what to do without my support group. They know where I've been and what I fight daily and still accept me. Watching my 3 month old daughter as she sleep gives me a push too. I know I have to be there for her and that means staying clean.

  3. My grandbabies do it for me. No matter how bleak life seems to be at times a smile or hug or kiss from one of them sets my world right.

  4. I find hope during church services. The people who attend always have uplifting things to say. I know it's not for everyone, but it sure works for me.

  5. I make it my business to cultivate friendships with positive people. I stay away from loud and aggressive types because they pull me down to their level. I read self improvement books and try me best to maintain a positive attitude about life. I work at it and it pays off.

  6. Not much these days. The news is depressing, my family is not supportive, my job just plain sucks and my wife just left me. Got any ideas? I'm plum out of them.
