Monday, April 5, 2010

Strawberry Quick or Strawberry Meth = School Yard Danger

On playgrounds everywhere, a new drug is creeping into children’s hand - Strawberry Quick or Strawberry Meth. As parents, this is scary enough on its own. We feel like we warn our children sufficiently against the dangers of drugs, but what about when that drug comes in a candy form? What would your child do if they were offered drugs disguised as candy, smells like candy and even taste similar to candy. Would they accept it from another kid? The scary reality is that many children would. How do we protect our children from dangerous drugs when law officials, school officials, parents, and the children cannot always identify who’s dealing. It could be the cute neighbor boy down the street from a typical family showing no signs of anything amok.

This new form of drug targeting children looks just like pop rocks the candy that pops in your mouth when eaten but in reality is crystal meth. Kids are accepting and ingesting this unaware that it is a drug and are being rushed off to the hospital in critical conditions.

This new crystal meth is being produced in strawberry, chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape, and orange. Talk to your children about accepting candy from others. Another sad part of this all is, that some children may have accepted it unknowingly from another person and in innocence merely want to share their r candy with their friends; candy that can be deadly to all of them.

Talk to your school officials and see what their level of awareness is of this new drug targeting our children. Just because you may live in a small community to where you don’t believe drugs to be a problem is not reason enough to not keep your child and those who care for your child in your absence aware of possible dangers. It may be your words that stop a child from ingesting a deadly overdose of this drug.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. OMG, I've always talked openly with my kids about drugs and warned them to never take candy from strangers. Looks like my education was short sighted. This is the first I've heard of this type of drug. What kind of depraved individual targets children like this?

  2. I agree Stacey, but I know the type of depraved individual who would target kids. He's a sick bastard that can think only of getting richer without regard to where he has to get the money. It's up to us to protect our kids from predators like them.

  3. Anyone caught selling this crap to kids should be shot on sight. They deserve nothing better. These children are our future and we need protect them at all costs. A message needs to be sent to dealers that this will not be tolerated and they will pay the ultimate price if caught. And then, we need to make sure they are caught!

  4. What the hell, now I can't even relax thinking my kids are safe at school? How am I supposed to leave them there knowing that things like this are liable to happen right on the school grounds?

  5. My son, who is in the 4th grade, came home and told me about this stuff. I guess there was someone caught selling it at the middle school which is in the complex next to the grade school. I'm thinking of home schooling where I can control the environment. The alternative is just too scary.
