Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hooked on Tobacco ~ Our Youth

Did you know an adolescent could become hooked on cigarettes after only smoking one? According to the University Of Massachusetts Medical School, kids are more vulnerable because their brain is still developing thus making it easier to rewire itself quickly to crave nicotine. In their study, they found that half of teens are hooked on tobacco after only smoking 10 cigarettes without even realizing it. They do not have the same cravings as an avid smoker; rather they may not even crave a cigarette for days or even weeks after their last smoke. An avid smoker will begin to have a craving on general 45 minutes after their last smoke and heavy smokers even sooner.

Experts also state that 40% of our youth who try to quit smoking will relapse in a week or less and only 3% will stay abstinent. The average age adolescents begin smoking is 13. They experience all the same side effects as their adult counterparts with the shortness of breath, coughing, headaches, poor over all health, and frequently getting sick. Cigarettes have been found to be a common denominator as a stepping-stone to riskier behaviors. Kids who smoke are 5 times more likely to drink alcohol and 13 times more likely to use marijuana.

Tobacco is addictive so it is no surprise that it would be considered a stepping stone for more addictive habits. It would be interesting to see some statistics on how many of our youth that smoke exhibited an addictive personality/traits prior to smoking and the percentage that did not present with such traits and became addicted to smoking. What are your thoughts?

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
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Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. There are warnings on every pack of cigarettes sold. It's against the law to sell cigarettes to a minor. Yet, there are underage smokers everywhere and the statistics just keep going higher. Maybe the penalties should be tougher.

  2. As I was carrying groceries in last night I noticed 3 young boys playing basketball at the vacant house next to mine. They were sharing a cigarette. It really upsets me to see so many young people picking up the habit. The boys weren't even old enough to legally buy cigarettes.

  3. That's pretty much how it worked for me. I was smoking at 12, drinking by 18 and totally into pot before I turned 20. When I started thinking about trying harder drugs it hit me what an out of control idiot I had become in such a short time. I quit the pot and drinking first and recently was able to kick the cigarette habit.

  4. I don't know what to think about young people who smoke today. They know the risks but it doesn't seem to matter. The cost is prohibitive, but that hasn't stopped them either. It isn't legal for them to purchase cigarettes, yet they get them on a daily basis.

  5. I'd like to say I don't agree, but there does seems to be an awful lot of young people who are smoking. Making illegal certainly hasn't slowed them down. I don't know what the answer is but I hope someone finds it soon.
