Friday, June 18, 2010

Recovery or Addiction? Which do you think?

Along your road of recovery, you may ask yourself “Am I still in recovery or am I just kidding myself?”

A 50-year old woman started using drugs when she was 13. She partied her childhood away and by the time she was 20 she was using needles mainlining heroin, morphine, etc that she could get her hands on. Quaalude's became a big part of her drug rapport. He was hooked on opiate and then was introduced to Oxycontin. As her age increased, she found she just couldn’t “do it” any more and found a methadone clinic. That was 10 years ago. To date, she is still relying on meth to make it through each day and feels she will be on it till the day she dies. Now the question is, is she an addict or is she in recovery? I would like to hear what you all have to say.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
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Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. I'm sure she would not agree with me, but I say she's still an addict. An addict is a person who uses a substance that alters their feelings, and they can't live without it! Sounds like that to me.

  2. That's a tough one to call. Methadone is a legal substance, the same as any other prescription. At the same time, I agree with Mary. An addiction is an addiction, no matter what the substance.

  3. I read the blog a couple of times and the comments. I see where Mary and John are coming from but I think I'd have to say recovery, although they have some very valid points. When you stop to look at where the addict was at and all that she had been using, I think you have to cut her some slack.

  4. I'm in pretty much the same boat and have the same feelings. I've been assured by my doc that one day I will be free and clear of the methadone too but, I'm not as sure. I like to consider myself in recovery.

  5. While methadone can't be considered a cure, I would at least consider it recovery.

  6. I've been sitting here thinking about this and I can see valid points for both. I'm not sure what I would consider it if I had to choose one or the other.

  7. Recovery in my mind is not relying on drugs of any kind so I would have to say addiction.

  8. Along road of recovery, to my addiction . Awesome Share Thank's
