Thursday, January 14, 2010

Self Pity?

No one is above not feeling self-pity from time to time. Often times are expectations of what we feel our life should be and what in reality it is varies leaving us to question “why me?” leading to wallowing in self-pity. Recovery is no different. We have set expectations about how our life should be, where it should be leading to, and expectations that are not always met. It’s funny how some think that just by going to a rehab should change everyone’s outlook on them and their past behaviors –as all should be forgotten and put into the past, no questions asked, no forgiveness needed because, after all they were an addict and not in their right mind. However, when reality hits that it doesn’t work that way, self pity rears its ugly head.

When the world doesn't measure up to our expectations, it's often our expectations that need adjusting, not the world. Start making those adjustments by comparing your life today with the way it used to be, developing gratitude for your recovery. Extend this exercise in gratitude by counting the good things in your life, becoming thankful that the world does not conform to our expectations but exceeds them. If you continue working the Twelve Steps, further cultivating gratitude and acceptance, what can be expected in the future is more growth, more happiness, and more peace of mind. Acceptance of our lives, just for today, frees us from our self-pity.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. No one wants to attend a pity party except the person giving it.

  2. The comment about our expectations needing to be adjusted and not the worlds reminds me of me not so long ago. It took me a while but I eventually figured out that if I had a problem with everyone and everything, it was probably my problem and not theirs.

  3. Well said Martina! That was pretty much my thought as I read the article. That's not to say I havent' been there and done it myself a time or two, but I think some people break out the cheese and crackers to serve with their whine.

  4. Expectations can easilly get out of hand and that can spell disaster if left unchecked. Feeling sorry for yourself can have a snowball effect that no one wants to deal with.

  5. Pity is useless. It doesn't solve anything and it get's you nowhere you want to be. It took me a few years to realize this so I wanted to share it with you in the hopes of saving you the time and effort of figuring it out on your own.

  6. You can drown in self pity if you're not careful. I used to have a pity party now and again, but no more. I got sick of it myself so I know my family and friends were getting tired of it.
