Monday, January 11, 2010

Dealing with Emotional Pain

In life there will always be pain. There is no getting around it. Sometime, somehow, you will be hurt. By being hurt, I am not referring to falling down and breaking a bone or skinning the knee. I am talking about emotional pain. Suffering emotional pain, even as difficult as it may be, is a natural part of growth. It gives one a better understanding of the world around them. It gives perspective.

In life, we all deal with a loss or a change in our life that was not wanted. It can bring on insecurities, doubts, fear, sadness, and a mess load of other feelings all at one time that can feel insurmountable. However, once we work through them we can see that we survived and gained insight in how to deal with emotional trauma.

Recovery is much the same. You will be dealing with many deep emotional issues that you have bottled up and buried with your addiction in order not to feel the pain. These issues need to be dealt with in order to get to the other side. However, if you are feeling the pain of the emotional issues you know you are on your way. The path through your pain affirms that you are alive, really alive and making a new journey, one that will change your life for the better. So do not run from the pain of emotional hurt; rather embrace it and embrace a brighter future.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. I guess that's true, but some pains are harder to let go than others. Thanks for giving me something more to think about.

  2. Emotional pain is one of the worst types of pain to be on the receiving end of. It takes much longer to get over emotional abuse than physical abuse. The scars may not be visible, but they run deep.

  3. Well said Lynda. I have a deep scar of my own. Years of emotional abuse that I may never be free from.

  4. You can deal with and get over most things. It's not something you can generally do alone. You need to work with a qualified therapist. I've been doing just that for almost 3 years. I can see the difference in myself. God knows, it has not been easy or even comfortable, but it is doable.

  5. My Mom got addicted to drugs after she had me. It was a problem that occurred more than once over the years. I think losing my Dad was more than she could bear. I really believe that her life was so dependent on his that she didn't think she could live without him. She is emotionally damaged, no doubt about that. I have high hopes for her still. She has been clean for almost 2 years. It's nice having my Mom back.
