Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Giving yourself permission to have fun

Recovery is hard work, but one must not lose focus on having fun sometimes too. In fact, you can actually have more fun now in recovery than you could when you were actively using. Through working on your recovery, you have opened up your real self, a new zest on life, a spiritual awakening. There is reason to smile more and frown less and its okay. No, it is better than okay. You have the right to smile, the right to feel joy and you need to give yourself permission to feel these things, enjoy them, and have fun.

You have earned the right to feel your new awakening and all the good it has to offer as long as it does not threaten your abstinence. Go out for dinner with your friends, enjoy a movie, and enjoy gatherings or any of the other numerous activities that life presents to us daily.

You have gained the tools for recovery so you can expect to have more fun. Use the inventory, the amend steps, and clear away any emotional debris that can be standing in the way of your pure enjoyment of your recovery. Tell yourself “I will let myself enjoy life and have fun.”

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. That's an easy thing to forget. I'm so focused on not doing anything wrong that I forget to do some things that are right. Thanks for reminding me it's OK to have fun too.

  2. Balance during recovery is important and time to play reminds us that we can still have fun during this hard working recovery. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Fun is a pretty foreign concept. I used to think that partying was fun but I ended up a drunk addict. It is an art I need to learn again. I am working on it.

  4. I've been out with friends to a couple of movies recently. I'd forgotten how much fun that could be. No drinks, no drugs, just a movie and a meal and lots of talk. It was great.

  5. That sounds a little strange at first but when you really think about it, most people do need to give themselves permission. In todays hurry up world we seldom take time to do fun things.

  6. Too much of life is geared towards the serious business of just surviving in this world. You need to schedule fun things, often, and then follow through on them. It makes the rest of your life a lot easier to deal with.
