Friday, December 18, 2009

What's your life plan?

Inside of every addict lives the person they were before. They were most likely full of wonder and excitement over the possibilities that life held for them. Somewhere along the way that person got lost in the pleasures of their addiction. Instead of drugs being a part of their life, their life took a downward turn and it became a slave to their addiction. Addiction takes on a mind of its own and will do anything to ensure that it gets what it wants.

You have made it to the other side and your addiction no longer rules your life. You are in control and want to stay that way. One way to keep yourself on the straight and narrow is to define a plan for your life. It can’t be just in your head, or a passing thought. It needs to be concrete, put into writing, so you can refer back to it and chart the progress you are making. This may be something you feel comfortable enough to do on your own. Some may need the help of a professional and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

By defining a plan for your future, you will not find your self wondering around, possibly getting lost and slipping back into familiar habits that probably led to your addiction. Set up reasonable and attainable goals for yourself and then do whatever you have to do to make them come true. A life plan will keep you focused and busy while working to attain your goal.

If you have found a way to recovery please feel free to share it with us. You may well inspire someone else to take a walk down the recovery road. If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol or drugs, be aware that there is help for you. A Better Tomorrow is waiting for a call from you to show you how good life can be again.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Twitter too!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I've just recently started on my own plan. It makes a lot of sense to me, especially now.

  2. I'm 61 and I'm still working on my life plan. It's something I feel that needs to be continued as long as you're alive. The alternative is to let life pass you by. Not me.

  3. The life of an addict is anything but stable. There is no planning. Working on a life plan during recovery makes a lot a sense. I'm starting on mine today. No more bouncing around in the life arena.

  4. My life plan right now is one day at a time. I've just recently been released from a treatment program. Soon, I hope to be able to think farther into the future.

  5. Until I read your article I never thought about a life plan. It certainly makes sense, I don't know why I never thought of it before. I will begin working on it immediately. Thanks for the article.
