Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moderation or Not..?

For most people, drinking in moderation is not harmful, however if your drinking is above the level of two to three drinks per day, or if you are drinking in situations where impaired function is dangerous, you are not a moderate drinker, and alcohol is clearly harmful.

For those with a severe alcohol problem, treatment can be frustrating and can even be unsuccessful. Moderation seldom works for the true alcoholic and complete abstinence is necessary for people with this illness. Some self-help organizations, especially Alcoholics Anonymous, enjoy a success rate that is at least equal to that of any medical treatment. Associated organizations such as Al-Anon, which work with the families of alcoholics, are also effective. These programs work best with motivated individuals who truly wish to change, and the program continually reinforces the subject’s desire to remain free of alcoholic influence. They are very worthwhile.

However, not everyone does well with just support groups alone. Many require entering a treatment center to get more intense help with their addiction. Here are some strong signals that you need professional help: a drunken driving citation, an automobile accident after two or more drinks, missing work because of a hang over, a pattern of work absences, a hospitalization for alcohol-related problems such as gastritis or upper bowel hemorrhage, inability to function at top efficiency in the afternoon because of a two-martini lunch or equivalent. These signal are not subtle; if you recognize that your situation must be changed, you have become a good candidate for successful treatment.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Twitter too!


  1. I've never even been a drink a day type of person. Sometimes I think it's because I know how much I like it, that I don't drink every day. I have made the remark several times that it's a good thing I'm not a drinker because I can see myself becoming a drunk. May be some truth to that.

  2. Amen to that! I've heard my husband say, "I'll quit after one or two" so many times that it would be laughable if it weren't so darned tragic. Alcohol and moderation don't fit in the same glass with him. He doesn't quit until he's fall down drunk. He doesn't see this as a problem.

  3. No one does 'everything' in moderation. I don't care who they are. And, if they do, they are probably the most boring people walking the face of the earth.
