Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Self Esteem Boosters

These tips are great for anyone in how to boost your self esteem.

1. Use Affirmations: A while back I posted a couple clogs about affirmations. Affirmations are statements you can repeat to yourself to help boost your self-esteem. They generally begin with the word “I”. Post affirmations throughout your home and in easily accessible areas so you can reflect on them through out your day. Repeat the affirmation(s) several times during the day, especially at night before going to bed and after getting up in the morning and allow yourself to experience the positive feeling of the statement.

2. Positive, supportive people: Who you surround yourself with will effect your outlook on life. If you are around negative people all the time, especially those who constantly put you down will without doubt, lower your self-esteem. When you are surrounded by positivity, your outlook on life will reflect that.

3. Positivity List: Make a list of things you have successfully accomplished. It doesn’t matter hoe big or little the success was, only that the success made you feel good. This list will be your own personal brag list, just for you. Review your list often and be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small and pat yourself on the back.. Add to it as you continue to make successes throughout your life.

4. Don’t Compare: In life there is always going to be someone that has it better, looks better, has a better job, etc. Stop comparing yourself to these people. Some people think that by doing this it gives one motivation to do better. Not true. More time than not it just makes a person feel bad. Not everyone has the same circumstances, however we all have our own dreams and those are the only things that matter; not keeping up with the “Jones’s”. Shoot for your dreams, and be happy with who you are from the inside, not the outside.

5. Personal Put Downs: Don’t do it… under any circumstance! You can’t keep beating yourself up and expect your self-esteem to be healthy.

Give your thoughts and ideas on ways to boost self-esteem.

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  1. I like the idea of making a list of positive accomplishments. I'm going to give it a try. Appreciate the tips.

  2. I've heard this before, but I have to tell you that I feel like a real idiot talking to myself in the mirror. No one else around either. Maybe that's another self esteem issue, I really don't know.

  3. I do put myself down a lot. I do it in a joking matter, but inside, I'm not joking. I hate it when I do it, but I can't seem to help myself. Maybe I need some outside help to change this destructive habit.

  4. When I was reading this article, it reminded me of a poster I had that was entitled Desiderata. It has a lot of the same ideas plus a few more. Great work!

  5. Don't compare is really good advice. I do it all the time and I usually come up on the short end of the measure. It's a terrible habit and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to kick it.

  6. I've come to appreciate what a blessing it is to be around upbeat people. They make it easier for me to feel that way too. I don't want to be around people who have the 'EEYORE' complex. They pull me down and I don't like the feeling.

  7. Being told you are awesome by anyone is sure to make you feel better about yourself. I've never tried telling myself that, but you might have something there. I'm willing to give it a try.

  8. There are all super ideas and I know I can benefit from all of them. I'm going to try a little of each every day. I know my self esteem is not in the dumps but it could use some work.
