Friday, May 28, 2010

More ways to build Self Esteem

Make a habit to be on time for functions.

Show respect for others. The return respect will help build self-esteem.

Do not cheat, steal, or deceive, or lie to others.

Maintain proper grooming at all times.

Turn your negative thoughts to 10 positive thoughts.

Keep a clean conscience.

Take responsibility for your actions and choices.

Appreciate the good things in your life daily.

Share your knowledge about things in your life with others who wish to know.

Do what you enjoy.

Keep your word.

All of these tips change the way you will feel about yourself and how others perceive you. You can build self-esteem from within, but how others react to you also plays a role in ones self-esteem. Showing positivity brings positivity, which is a great way to build self-esteem.

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  1. I went to a drive through restaurant yesterday and when the young man gave me my change, he gave me too much. When I called him back he acted a little perturbed. I told him he gave me too much money and he repeated the amount he said I should have gotten. I counted it again in front of him and handed him back the extra dollar. If I hadn't, it would have come out of his tips. He smiled and thanked me and I could tell he was really surprised. I don't like to be cheated so I don't cheat other people. It's a rule I can live with and feel good about keeping.

  2. Being on time for functions does make you feel better about yourself. I used to be late for everything and it really bothered me. I decided to change that and 95% of the time, or more, I am successful. Great list of ideas. I see a couple of more that I can be working on.

  3. Grooming is a big deal and anyone who thinks it doesn't matter isn't being honest with themselves. You need to look good to feel good about yourself. Unruly hair and rumpled clothes will not give you the positive feeling you need.

  4. I think most people could benefit from higher self esteem whether they want to admit it or not. I work on mine almost daily. I really like some of the ideas you presented and I've started using a couple of them. I find they work better if you change them up every few weeks. Otherwise, they become mundane and you start ignoring them.

  5. All concrete ideas and good ways to live your life. I did find one that I'm going to incorporate into my routine. Thanks for the list.

  6. Everything on your list makes good sense. I don't know if I'm just dense (I'm not blond) or if I just didn't think things through. I will be thinking about these as I go about life. I hope they work. I'm optimistic!
