Friday, March 12, 2010

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction is similar to that of alcoholism. They both have that same uncontrollable urge to want their drug. Both are difficult to quit without help.

Excuses are a huge part of both marijuana and alcoholics make up. They have a million and one reasons why that particular time is not the right time for them to quit using. If you have been around either type of addiction for any amount of time I am sure you have heard many of the excuses used. Those addicted to marijuana will use excuses as lame as marijuana is not as bad as drinking, or that it is natural weed, has no ill effect, and with some you will hear repeatedly “I can quit any time I want. I just choose not to right now.” There are a million and one more, and I am sure everyone can add a abundance to the list. But what they all boil down to is one thing – an excuse.

Another distinguishing make up of a marijuana addiction is the symptoms one exhibits when they do not have the drug. These symptoms include irritability, jitteriness, sadness, excessive sleep, amongst numerous other obvious mood changes.

Marijuana addiction develops over time. At first, a user will use smaller amounts and after time, in order to achieve the same highs they had when they initially started using have to increase their dose. When the high once achieved strictly from marijuana use is hard to obtain even with increased use, many addicts begin alternating other drugs into their repertoire, This adds to the difficulty in getting “clean” and why treatment for withdrawals can be critical.

If you need help, are struggling with an addiction, or know of someone who is, please contact A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center today. We are here to help.
Phone: 800.971.1586
Fax: 800.401.8464
24 Hour Addiction HelpLine
Tel. (800) 396-9389 (7 days 24 hours)

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  1. With marijuana, I hear the excuse that they're going to make it legal anyway so what's the big deal. I don't believe they will make it legal across the board. The big deal is, it's not legal and it's not good for you. You are right in saying it's only an excuse.

  2. There are an endless parade of excuses for every bad habit known to man. People are good at rationalizing the use of illegal substances.

  3. My son is a senior in high school. He told me recently that a friend of his gets his marijuana from his Dad and that quite often, they smoke it together. What the heck is that father thinking of?

  4. I started smoking weed when I was 7. My 19 year old brother showed me how it was done and always made sure I had my own supply. When I turned 12, that high was no longer enough and I turned to crack. I was 32 before I checked into rehab and started turning my life around. My brother had died from an overdose and it shook me to the core. It's what made me get help and it's what has kept me clean.

  5. A co-worker of mine confided that he still smokes marijuana and has since his teens. He tries to confine his use to the weekends but after a stressful day at the office he might have one or more during the week. I was shocked to say the least. This guy has several small children. He said he wasn't concerned because they didn't know what it was. I think he's kidding himself. His oldest is 11. Kids aren't as dumb as their parents think they are. He sure is sending the wrong message to them.

  6. Pot is more addictive than regular cigarettes. What gives kids the idea that they can quit them whenever they want. They're killing brain cells off so fast that they probably don't even know what they are doing to themselves.
